Get Involved
Whatever your gifts and your interests, Transition Town welcomes them.
How to start?
Drop in on the Transition Town ASAP planning group, which meets 2nd Wednesdays at 7 pm; locations vary. Meetings are listed on our home page and as Events on our Facebook page.
If you're interested in a more local, sustainable economy, drop in on our Transition Your Money group, 3rd Wednesdays at 7 pm online. For Zoom link, email There's a related LION group (Local Investment Opportunity Network), which meets quarterly to discuss ways to investing in Main Street, not Wall Street.
Drop in on the bimonthly Changing Times Book Group, which we co-host together with the Saint Paul Public Library.
Join our e-mail list for monthly newsletters.
Like our Facebook page and join our Facebook group.
Put a "t" card in your window. You can get one at any Transition Tap gathering or other Transition Town event, or print it using this PDF.
Make an online donation to support our work. Your dollars will be used to support educational programs and community gatherings.
Place the "t" symbol in your window and show support for Transition Town! Download and print this PDF.